This week, Capt. Meelo released a great blog post on how to call the NtCreateUserProcess API as a substitue for the typical Win32 CreateProcess API. This post will build upon Meelo’s, so I highly encourage you to read it first.

TL;DR, this code (not counting ntdll.h) is the bare minimum to spawn mmc.exe:

#include <Windows.h>
#include "ntdll.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "ntdll")

int main()
	RtlInitUnicodeString(&NtImagePath, (PWSTR)L"\\??\\C:\\Windows\\System32\\mmc.exe");

	RtlCreateProcessParametersEx(&ProcessParameters, &NtImagePath, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS_NORMALIZED);

	PS_CREATE_INFO CreateInfo = { 0 };
	CreateInfo.Size = sizeof(CreateInfo);
	CreateInfo.State = PsCreateInitialState;

	PPS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST AttributeList = (PS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST*)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PS_ATTRIBUTE));
	AttributeList->TotalLength = sizeof(PS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST);
	AttributeList->Attributes[0].Attribute = PS_ATTRIBUTE_IMAGE_NAME;
	AttributeList->Attributes[0].Size = NtImagePath.Length;
	AttributeList->Attributes[0].Value = (ULONG_PTR)NtImagePath.Buffer;

	HANDLE hProcess, hThread = NULL;
	NtCreateUserProcess(&hProcess, &hThread, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ProcessParameters, &CreateInfo, AttributeList);

	RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, AttributeList);

If you’re going to use this technique as part of an attack toolchain, integrating PPID spoofing and/or BlockDLLs are potentially useful. This is something we’ve known how to do with the CreateProcess API for a long time, but there’s not much consumable information about how to do this with NtCreateUserProcess.

Before we continue, note that I made the following modifications to Meelo’s PoC:

  1. Reduced the default PS_ATTRIBUTE array size from 2 to 1 in ntdll.h:1305.
  2. Changed AttributeList->TotalLength from sizeof(PS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST) - sizeof(PS_ATTRIBUTE) to sizeof(PS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST) in main.cpp:19.

This just helps us keep track a little easier of how many process attributes we’re providing and the buffer size required to hold them. In this PoC, we only have 1 attribute: PS_ATTRIBUTE_IMAGE_NAME which points to the NtImagePath of the process we want to start. As such, the PS_ATTRIBUTE array size only needs to be 1; the call to RtlAllocateHeap only needs to allocate enough for 1 PS_ATTRIBUTE (sizeof(PS_ATTRIBUTE)); and therefore the AttributeList->TotalLength is simply sizeof(PS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST). In short, we shouldn’t need to take off the size of PS_ATTRIBUTE because our array size is larger than it needs to be.

Parent Process

To spawn a process as a child of another process, we use the PsAttributeParentProcess PS_ATTRIBUTE_NUM and provide the HANDLE to the parent. This could be done with NtOpenProcess.

InitializeObjectAttributes(&oa, 0, 0, 0, 0);

CLIENT_ID cid = { (HANDLE)10104, NULL };

HANDLE hParent = NULL;
NtOpenProcess(&hParent, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, &oa, &cid);

Note: I’ve just hardcoded 10104, whch is the PID for explorer.exe.

Because we’re adding a new attribute, we need to bump the PS_ATTRIBUTE size back to up 2; and the call to RtlAllocateHeap now needs to allocate enough room for 2 PS_ATTRIBUTE’s, i.e: sizeof(PS_ATTRIBUTE)*2.

The attributes to add are simple:

AttributeList->Attributes[1].Attribute = PS_ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_PROCESS;
AttributeList->Attributes[1].Size = sizeof(HANDLE);
AttributeList->Attributes[1].ValuePtr = hParent;

Where PS_ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_PROCESS is already defined in ntdll.h.


To add a process mitigation policy, we need the PsAttributeMitigationOptions PS_ATTRIBUTE_NUM, however the macro defined in Meelo’s ntdll.h is:

    PsAttributeValue(PsAttributeMitigationOptions, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)

This produces a value of 0x60010, but @passthehashbrwn pointed out on Twitter that the value required to make BlockDLLs work is acually 0x20010. You can of course just hardcode this value, but I also found you can arrive there using:

    PsAttributeValue(PsAttributeMitigationOptions, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)

As before, adding the attributes is simple:


AttributeList->Attributes[2].Attribute = PS_ATTRIBUTE_MITIGATION_OPTIONS_2;
AttributeList->Attributes[2].Size = sizeof(DWORD64);
AttributeList->Attributes[2].ValuePtr = &policy;

Final Code

#include <Windows.h>
#include "ntdll.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "ntdll")

int main()
	// define strings
	UNICODE_STRING NtImagePath, CurrentDirectory, CommandLine;
	RtlInitUnicodeString(&NtImagePath, (PWSTR)L"\\??\\C:\\Windows\\System32\\mmc.exe");
	RtlInitUnicodeString(&CurrentDirectory, (PWSTR)L"C:\\Windows\\System32");
	RtlInitUnicodeString(&CommandLine, (PWSTR)L"\"C:\\Windows\\System32\\mmc.exe\"");

	// user process parameters
	RtlCreateProcessParametersEx(&ProcessParameters, &NtImagePath, NULL, &CurrentDirectory, &CommandLine, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS_NORMALIZED);

	// process create info
	PS_CREATE_INFO CreateInfo = { 0 };
	CreateInfo.Size = sizeof(CreateInfo);
	CreateInfo.State = PsCreateInitialState;

	// initialise attribute list
	PPS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST AttributeList = (PS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST*)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PS_ATTRIBUTE)*3);
	AttributeList->TotalLength = sizeof(PS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST);
	// set image name
	AttributeList->Attributes[0].Attribute = PS_ATTRIBUTE_IMAGE_NAME;
	AttributeList->Attributes[0].Size = NtImagePath.Length;
	AttributeList->Attributes[0].Value = (ULONG_PTR)NtImagePath.Buffer;

	// obtain handle to parent
	InitializeObjectAttributes(&oa, 0, 0, 0, 0);

	CLIENT_ID cid = { (HANDLE)10104, NULL };
	HANDLE hParent = NULL;
	NtOpenProcess(&hParent, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, &oa, &cid);

	// add parent process attribute
	AttributeList->Attributes[1].Attribute = PS_ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_PROCESS;
	AttributeList->Attributes[1].Size = sizeof(HANDLE);
	AttributeList->Attributes[1].ValuePtr = hParent;

	// blockdlls policy

	// add process mitigation atribute
	AttributeList->Attributes[2].Attribute = PS_ATTRIBUTE_MITIGATION_OPTIONS_2;
	AttributeList->Attributes[2].Size = sizeof(DWORD64);
	AttributeList->Attributes[2].ValuePtr = &policy;

	// spawn process
	HANDLE hProcess, hThread = NULL;
	NtCreateUserProcess(&hProcess, &hThread, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ProcessParameters, &CreateInfo, AttributeList);

	// close handle to parent

	// free allocated memory
	RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, AttributeList);


This post demonstrated how to spawn a process with PPID Spoofing and BlockDLLs using the NtCreateUserProcess API.

CreateProcessW is dead, long live NtCreateUserProcess.

Shout-out to @CaptMeelo and @passthehashbrwn.