
A couple of days ago (obviously at the time of writing this post), FortyNorth Security tweeted about a new tool they were releasing called EDD (Enumerate Domain Data). This is a .NET Console Application that aims to provide a .NET alternative to the kind of domain enumeration that PowerView is well known for (a bit like SharpView).

I spent some time looking at the EDD codebase and ended up submitting a fairly substantial PR. Refactoring EDD sparked a fresh interest in Windows domain enumeration via LDAP, so I decided to write a similar tool. Not because I thought I could do better than EDD, but because it provided an opportunity to do some things that I hadn’t before.

  1. Learn about LDAP queries

  2. Create a NuGet package

The result is the Domain-Enumeration-Tool (we are an imaginative bunch when it comes to naming things). DET can be found on both GitHub and the NuGet Gallery.


DET is a .NET Standard library, which can be used with any flavour of .NET project. Just create your project (e.g. a console app) and install the NuGet package.

Domain Searcher

The first step is to construct the DomainSearcher.

var searcher = new DomainSearcher();

In the background, this creates a new instance of the System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry class. Using the default overload (with no parameters) allows this to be instantiated using the domain and security context of the executing principal.

For instance, if you were executing your console app via a foothold running as a Domain User, the subsequent LDAP queries would be executed within the context of that user.

DomainSearcher has additional overloads that allows you to provide a specific LDAP path, as well as a username and password to authenticate with. These are useful for running enumeration from a machine that is not domain joined.

This would look something like:

var searcher = new DomainSearcher(

Users, Computers, Groups, etc

With the DomainSearcher, it’s time to create the class(es) that correspond to the data type you want to collect. DET (currently) has classes for Domain, Users, Groups, Computers, GPOs and OUs. Each of these take the DomainSearcher on their constructors.

To search for users, create a Users object:

var users = new Users(searcher);

Users has a GetUsers(string[] userNames = null, string[] properties = null) method. Both the userNames and properties parameters are optional.

var userAccounts = users.GetUsers();

will return every property for every user in the domain.

Maybe you do want all the users, but only the samAccountName property? No problem.

var userAccounts = users.GetUsers(properties: new string[] { "samAccountName" });

The userNames and properties parameters can be used in combination to return the volume of data desired.

Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object[]»

The format of the data returned from these methods are kind of funky - mostly a result of how the System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher works.

The above query creates a data structure that looks like this (assuming only 1 user is present):

Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object[]>>
        Dictionary<string, object[]>
            { "adspath", object[] { "LDAP://CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=testlab,DC=local" }},
            { "samaccountname", object[] { "Administrator" }}

The ADSPath is always returned as the dictionary key and is always present in the dictionary of properties. The data returned for each property is an object[] for two reasons:

  1. The datatype can be anything, including a string, byte[], DateTime, etc.
  2. Some properties can have more than one value, such as servicePrincipalName.

Naturally we can iterate over and/or access any property by its name.


foreach (var userAccount in userAccounts.Values)
    var sam = userAccount["samaccountname"][0];
    Console.WriteLine($"- {sam}");
- Administrator
- Guest
- DefaultAccount
- krbtgt
- user1

The other classes work in exactly the same way.


DET also has an LDAP class with an ExecuteQuery(string filter, string[] properties = null) method. This allows you to execute any LDAP query that you want.

For example - find users that have Kerberos pre-authentication disabled.

var ldap = new LDAP(searcher);
var filter = "(&(sAMAccountType=805306368)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=4194304))";

//don't return any properties
var properties = new string[] { "" };
var users = ldap.ExecuteQuery(filter, properties);

foreach (var user in users)
LDAP://CN=User One,CN=Users,DC=testlab,DC=local

Future Work

Admittedly, there isn’t a tremendous amount of functionality here yet. Over time I hope to add more queries into the various classes for returning useful information. Specifically on my radar are:

  • Kerberos “things” (roastables, delegation etc)
  • Domain Trusts
  • GPO Links
  • DACLs
  • LAPS